Jennifer Snyder
My Name is Jennifer Snyder. I have been scrapping for several years, but really focusing on trying new techniques and styles within the last few years and having a lot of fun in the process. I am not sure I have settled upon a style yet, because scrapping depends on the papers, the photos and the story I am planning to telling through my layout. After a page is done, I have just as much fun writing the story behind the piece; sometimes fanciful, sometimes heartfelt, sometimes a little history that I have researched regarding the photo I am using.
I live in New York with my husband, two sons and two cats. Ahhhhh I mention my cats because I scrap one of them often. Her name is Escape Kitty and I love to dive into “character ” and give her personality. In addition, I love photography and photoshop. I took many classes in order to improve my skills in these areas just to bring Escape Kitty to “life”, so to speak.
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