Hi dearest Maja fans,
Thanks for stopping by the blog today. Are you curious of the mood board challenge winner? 😉
This month we have received so many wonderful contributions, that we are totally overwhelmed. We want to say THANK YOU, to every single participant..! Your effort and devotion in these challenge entries really warms our hearts, and you make our job a complete pleasure. ♥
A little reminder of how the mood board looked like:
And here is all the fantastic entries:

Liz Marsden, United Kingdom
And the proud winner is…
Antonia Moreno from Spain..!
A huge congrats to you..! A collection of your choice is coming your way.
We totally adore your wonderful box. ♥ Exquisite..!
Thanks for visiting. Don’t forget to stop by next Monday – then it’s time for a brand new mood board. Don’t miss that out..!
Have a lovely week!
Hugs from the Maja Office.