

Posted by Vibeke Harila

1 June, 2013 - ,

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Hi!It is Vibeke Harila here, sharing some inspiration with you today. I am so happy to be a guestdesigner this month. I have really missed designing with the beautiful papers from Maja Design.Today I want to show you a layout created with “Life by the sea”. A collection you can use together with a lots of different colours. I have used lots of colours to show you.Do you see? I have used pink, green, yellow, purple and a bit of brown. On the chipboard I have only used gesso and different mists.These papers are so great to work with. I have punched the edge.

Supplies used:

Supplies used:
Life by the sea – “The east coast” and “Sailing”
Mist, ink and gesso from 13 arts
Chipboard from Blue Fern Studios.

Thank you for letting my share this with you. I hope you enjoyed my work.

See you next week. Hugs VibekeVibeke