February is here with it’s crystal snow and cold winter nights. What could possibly be better then crawling up with your loved one and celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Our February Mood Board has a love theme and is based on our latest Nyhavn collection.
And here’s a little reminder of what our mood boards are used for…
Definition mood board – n
a board used by designers on which samples of various colours and textures are mounted to help in deciding which elements complement each other
We are using mood boards for our challenges. We truely believe in creativity and art at Maja Design. You are free to interpret the mood boards in any way you’d like. They are supposed to set you in an inspirational mood without too much controlling. We would like you to be inspired by the poems, words and photos. They are not given rules, they are just there as inspiration. They are all inspired by a Maja collection, but you are free to use any Maja papers you’d like as long as they follow the colour scheme. We highly encourage you to follow the theme of the mood board as well.
We are presenting a new mood board the first Saturday of every month. We will be presenting all participating creations that fulfill the requirements below February 28th. We will also draw a winner who will be winning a Maja Design collection of their own choice in 6×6 or 12×12.
After your creation is done, take a photo and send it to moodboard@majadesign.nu without any watermarks (size 600×600). Include your full name and address in the e-mail together with what collection you would like if you win. Don’t forget to write down if you would like 6×6 or 12×12. We need your creation February 25th at the latest.
We will only publish creations that fullfill the requirements!
And here comes inspiration created by our new fabulous Creative Team… Evgenia PetzerHeidi AugustsonJenny Grotherus
Maja Nowak
Rachelle SigurdsonZaneta Glowa