Honouring my heritage


Posted by Marie

9 May, 2015 -

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I’m so very grateful to my Grandmother for sharing her story and saved keepsakes with me. Those moments when she and my mum tells me about how things were back then are highly treasured and a great source of inspiration to me. Can you imagine she even allowed me to share this treasure with the whole (scrapbooking-) world?!
Let me tell some of my hidden secrets…

During the World war two my Grandfather served in the military. While spending all this time away from his family he wrote the most beautiful poems and letters to my Grandmother. I’ve enjoyed the great honour of being allowed to use some of those in my paper-designing as well. You can find fragments of them in the background of the Vintage Basic papers…
Vintage-basics-heritagemormorToday our beloved Grandmother is turning 91 and I just have to send her a greeting  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY!

So everyone, let’s make sure to keep our memories safe and pass them on to the next generation… They will be someone’s treasured heritage.
