Rennes Street


Posted by Pascale B

17 April, 2016 - , ,

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Hello Sweeties,

Today I’m up on Maja Design blog with a layout that showcase a photo I’ve taken in Rennes (France). It’s a simple street in the old town, but I like the way the photo turns out.

Rennes Street by Pascale B

I kept the design of the layout quite simple. I started to add a thin layer of white gesso where I want to put the photo. When dry, I splattered watered gesso too and dried. Then I added a first color and dried. I continued to add different colors and dry before adding the next color until I was happy with the result.

Rennes Street by Pascale B

I used the same colors to colored the flowers and the leaves.

Rennes Street by Pascale B

After I’ve glued the flowers, papers and photo, I added some Art Stones. I used the same colors to colored them too.

Rennes Street by Pascale B

To finished the layout, I added some glass glitters and microbeads.

Rennes Street by Pascale B

Maja Design papers:

 1926 bs  no.XXI  no.XX
Vintage Summer Basics
1926 bs
Vintage Autumn Basics
n°XX                                          n°XXI
