
Posted by Maja Nowak

28 January, 2014 - , ,

Welcome on the Maja Design blog today, Maja Fans!

It’s Maja here with a layout to share 🙂

I’m romantic at heart, I love vintage, flowers and bling and I must admit I’m very happy my boys are still little enough to accept these in their layouts 🙂 And so I created this page with great pleasure knowing my younger son would also accept it and wouldn’t mind it contains pink too:

mdbeautI combined the Vintage Frost Basics and the Ska Vi Ta En Fika papers to make the main colour palette for the layout. For the design, I just tore the plaid pattern paper diagonally, distressed the edges and glued the strips in the corners, creating kind of pockets.

mdbeaut1Then I started to fill in the composition, tucking bits of paper, cheesecloth, embellies and flowers into the “pockets”:

mdbeaut3The left upper corner also features the title, and the right bottom cormer the journaling – and I’m very happy to have dug out something I hadn’t used for ages – rubons 🙂

mdbeaut4As the finishing touch, I stamped the chicken wire pattern around the edges.

I know some day I’d have to stop adding flowers and flourishes to my boys’ pages (as I intend to give them the layouts in the future) – but now I’m just enjoying the possibilities to create to my taste 🙂


Maja Design papers: Ska Vi Ta En Fika: Karleksmums, Kaffe Tack!, Vintage Frost Basics: 4th of December

Other: Flowers, resin embellishments – Prima, stamp Bo Bunny, chipboard Scrapiniec, rubons Daisy D’s, cheesecloth from my stash.


I wish you a very good afternoon – see you later!



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  • This is really a “Beautiful” layout! Love how you created the “pockets” in your design…great use of layers and details! Great description of your process…thank you for sharing your inspiration!

  • Gabrielle Pollacco says:

    Your page is gorgeous Maja and your son has such amazing blue eyes!! Wow its been a long time since I’ve seen those lovely rub ons (I used to be on the Daisy d’s DT:) …great page design!!

  • beautiful indeed Maja! lovely photo of your boy! xxx

  • Jenny Grotherus says:

    Gorgeous design and beautiful photo. Love it.