The large grandfather’s clock in the library has just chimed six o’clock. The deep sound has started to fade away while the Autumn darkness spreads its wings. Some heritage photos lie on the heavy library table together with grandmother’s old books and grandfather’s music papers. Memories of a time gone by.
The window ledge is covered by frost. The first snowflakes of the season find their way to the ground as the children play outside. They raise their heads towards the sky and welcome them with joy. The summer has passed us for this time.
The quiet, peaceful Autumn is a time to reflect and capture your memories. Sit by the window and see how nature is slowly going to sleep, all while you are scrapping your best memories from the past.
Vintage Autumn Basics is the third ‘Basics Collection’ in the series. The colours reflect this twilight time of year, but are still mixable with the other Basics collections. These papers have been designed to enhance your family’s treasured memories and strong heritage, but with a reminder to live in the present.
We will start shipping during the second week of September, so make sure not to miss them when they reach a store near you. Please check our store finder to find a retailer in your area.
But… No previews without a giveaway. We will draw three happy winners that will win the new collection in 6×6 or 12×12. All you have to do is…

I have started to make an album with old photo’s on my relatives, with the spring basics collection, and the papers are lovely. So it would be nice to continue the work with the autumn collection.
OMG, these new Vintage Autumn Basics are stunning! It so happend that only yesterday I received lots of heritage photos from an aunt (most photos were taken early 1900 and are in b/w or sepia). As a thank-you-gift I planned to make auntie a family heritage album, but did not know what papers to use! Now i know: this lovely new collection would be perfect! I will share this on my blog together with some peeks of the heritage photos, so you can see for yourself how perfect they will match!! Thanks for giving us a chance to win!
What a beautiful NEW range. I am loving every page of it!
Whilst some manufacturers use the same colour palette many times over you always strive to give us something AMAZING!
Well done to you all – we love to feature your papers in our store 🙂
Rachael & The Chalrotte’s Web Team – in South Australia
Har suttit och väntat och hoppats det skulle komma nya papper snart och wips så kommer det och dom är snyggare än jag kunnat föreställa mig *jippie* Nu längtar jag tills jag får tag på dom.
WOW Another amazing range of papers, you guys just get better each time…….LOVE LOVE LOVE your papers 🙂
Nydelige papirer igjen 🙂
WOW, just love it!!! 🙂
Wow, I am waiting on pins and needles for these papers! Getting them in the USA has been a bit of a hunt, but so worth it! Anxious for more places to carry it and more inventory in the ones that do! So love your product and working with it makes my heart smile!
I would like to take part in this great give-away because I love all the paper and collections of Maya Design! You can take as many creeën both cards and coating wooden items and boxes etc. ..
Thanks a million for this amazing collection
Wow wow wow! Dere klarer det igjen og igjen! Dette er papirer jeg bare MÅ ha!
Scrappe-kortlagelysten er på bunn om dagen, men om disse mønsterarkene hadde kommet til meg, er jeg sikker på at det igjen hadde Vært gøy! Uansett om jeg ikke er heldig å vinne, skal disse hjem til meg! Helt nydelige ♥
Klem fra Jannhild
This collection is just gorgeous! Simply perfect and I would be so thrilled if I got a chance to create with it! Thank You for a chance to win these beautiful papers!
Wow, gorgeous!! Love this collection! I hope I’m the lucky one and can create with this gorgeous collection.
Woowwww what a beautiful papers, love it!
Well I discovered Maja a few days ago,, but so grateful to find it. Your collections are just stunning. Love the vintage, victorian feeling. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway..
Gorgeous papers, I do love vintage, I am now a follower.
Moira xxx
Enda en nyyydelig serie fra dere!!! <3 Maja Design <3 er min favoritt 🙂 Bare må ha de!! Følger, likt og delt!!
Wow, can’t wait for these to reach the shops. I can already picture how I’m going to use them.
Absolutely stunning! Pami x
Wow what a gorgeous collection. I love the colours!
Gorgeous papers! I have had to subscribe by email as I cant see any ‘follow’ button.
Hugs Lisa xxx
I love ALL your collections! What an awesome giveaway! Good luck everyone!
Ni har gjort det igen!
Skapat en helt fenomenal kollektion som får ens kreativitet att flöda!
Jag lyfter på hatten! 😀
Klart man vill vinna dessa ljuvliga papper. Jag bara älskar Maja Design papper….Kram Kicki
så otroligt vackra papper det ser ut att komma! Ser fram emot släppet och hoppas så klart att jag har en chans att få dem också!
Verdens vakreste papirer kommer fra Maja design 🙂
Meeeen ÅHHHHH!!!! Dom ser ju bara helt ljuvliga ut. Alltså ett till MÅSTE HA!!! (ja som alla Majapapper) =)
Hejja till er som fortsätter att göra papper som man bara inte kan vara utan(och för övrigt knappt vill skära i)
Kram Maritha
Your paper is so easy to work with. Every color fits the other design papers from Maja Design and that makes it easy to make nice cards. I wish to win these papers because it would be nice to make more cards so i can give to my family and friends. I love your papers ♡
Wow, så vackra papper! Passar verkligen perfekt ihop med era tidigare kollektioner. Jag gör mest kort men är sugen på att börja med layouter och vilka papper kunde vara bättre än dessa, ihop med vintage summer och vintage spring..?
Tack för chansen att vinna! Följer er redan, ska dela på min blogg också.
Kram Birgit
Elsker Maja!!! Delt, likt og kommentert! 🙂
What a gorgiuos new colkection again. I cannot wait to get my hands on these.
These papers are absolutely gorgeous and would be perfect with the lovely heritage photos I have of my grandmother and her sister as young women all dressed up in the fashions of the day…mostly around 1920….thanks for the chance to win!
I just love your paper. Quality is so good. Hope I am a lucky winner and thanks
Nydelige papirer, jeg vil gjerne vinne disse. Krysser fingrene.
Åh så vackra papper!! Jag skulle så gärna vilja vinna dessa underbara papper, behöver fylla på papperslagret då det är många minialbum som ligger och väntar på att skapas.
Följer er på fb, Pinterest och här i bloggen, även om det inte finns någon följa-knapp. Ska länka från bloggen med.
I should be one of your winners because when I scrap with your papers, I think of sitting in my grandma’s house as a small girl, looking through all of the letters and photos of my loved ones past and the beautiful little flowers that were pressed in an old hymn and it makes me want to create something so lovely that my children will feel the same way about preserving our memories for the future. These papers make me want to share this type of beauty with the world!
Kjempe flott papir og jeg ville elske å ha hele samlingen 🙂
WOW! When I saw a photo of this collection in facebook I thought WOW! As much as I love all your collections, this one is gorgeous! Thank you so much 🙂
My most favourite of all your sets so far! The best colours and theme ever. Thanks for the chance to win too. Hugs, Jenny x
WOW! What a STUNNING collection! I love the patterns and the colors are divine! Would be honored to add this gorgeous collection to my crafting stash! Thank you for the chance! I am a follower of the blog, on facebook and also on twitter! Glad to be here! Thanks for the chance to be a winner!
I am also a pinterest follower!
Jeg soer bare WOW, OHHHLALA!!!
Du svikter aldri Marie!! Gleder meg veldig til disse kommer!
Amazing !!! My dream 🙂
Älskar att följa dig på facebook men även kolla in i din blogg så gott som dagligt. Gillar verkligen dom nya pappren, underbara färger och mönster. du gör så fina saker. Skulle verkligen älska att få ha dem alla att välja på, vilka underbara kort man skulle kunna göra.
Wonderfull papers!!
Oooh, these are SO beautiful! I have a whole family of creatives, we LOVE paper and these are brilliant 🙂
Wonderful vintage kit—thanks either way whom ever win the kits…. Mary Anne
A friend tag me to Maja know I love it the colors and how many things you could do with it. I’m going to start a vintage family album, so that sounds great to be part of the winners. Thank you for the opportunity.
I honestly can’t tell you why I should deserve to win this pack over all the other loyal fans here on the blog. I can only tell you that it probably would make me cry from happiness, because I absolutely love each and every paper in this Autumn collection.
Happy drawing 🙂
Underbara….. som alltid 🙂 Väntar och längtar tills de släpps.
Love love love… so gorgeous line!
Wow,Wow,Wow, how Amazing is that!!!!
i love your paper collections! i follow your blog and on facebook. the talent you showcase is wonderful! i also shared the give-away!
Yet again – a must have collection! Cannot wait to to get my hands on these : )
i think this collection would love to visit my artist table, I like to do publishing work so, the papers would get a chance to shine in glossy print.
its all about the style of the design and the texture of the collection.
Love all papers from Maja Design….. Så vackra, så vackra 🙂
tweet tweet
It’s my birthday!! 😉 …and I’m a confessed Maja-holic!!
Himmel vilka fina papper! Håller absolut en tumme eller två för att vinna dessa. Blir det inte vinst blir det garanterat lite shopping i höst. 🙂
What a fabulous collection;-))m
Love the collection, beautiful paper. Would love to make cards with it.
More stunning papers, thanks for a chance to win. xx
This collection is going to be one of my favourite. When I look at it, I feel some kind of longing to change my life. Maybe it’s because its autumn? Like in a quote: “live the life you’ve imagined”. Thank you for that!
Well what can I say …. I’ve been crafting for a year and a half now and I’ve been seeing the beautiful maja papers around blogland. I said to myself: tamara don’t buy them, because you’ll probably get addicted to them. I’ve been strong for a few months, but when the Sofiero was released I was hooked! I bought a whole bunch of them and just a few days back, I ordered the first two basic collections. I know what you’re probably thinking right now – no will power what so ever! Well, what can I say – they are just so beautiful that I can’t imagine doing anything without them anymore. This is why I think I just NEED these new ones too. 😉
Amazing! I love the flowers but as a boys’ mom I am fascinated by the blue papers! Plus I am considering hot air balloons as the theme of my youngest son’s christening! It’s carmic!!!!
Last spring I have bought my first Maja Design papers and o my, they were perfect! I have made one creation of your beautiful papers and that was a little gift. Of course I bought more than one papers but I find it very hard to use them. Not that I don’t know what to make of it but to really use your gorgeous papers!! When I am the lucky girl that wins your great price, I am sure that the next creation I make with Maja is one of more beautiful gifts!!
Hugs, Karin
Vilka härliga papper! Längtar tills de kommer ut. och hoppas på en chans att vinna dem! Älskar alla era fina papper!
Eg er ganske ny på dette med scrapping, men mine kort blir flotte mykje pga det fantastisk fine papiret Maja Design har. Håpar på å bli ein av vinnerne i konkurransen.
I have been drooling over the Maja Design paper lines since they first came out. I have wanted to buy a line desperately for so long. Two problems one I can’t find a store that sells it no one in Canada does and the online stores don’t always carry the full line just a few pages from a certain line. The second problem is that every time a new line comes out I fall in love with it! Now there is this gorgeous fall line and wow back to drooling. I would love to work with this paper! There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to get my hands on some! Beautiful job on the new line. I can only hope and pray 🙂
wauh what a beautiful new collection, i like that blue super
It is another gorgeous collection. I am a huge fan of Maja, so I would love to win this new collection. Thank you so much for the chance.
Wow, I can’t wait to start to create with this stunning collection!!!love it!!!xo
Wow these papers are stunning. I would love a chance to win one of these collections.
Thank you Sharon
wauh what a beautiful collection , i like the blues so pretty
WOW!!! such gorgeous papers! I wish my LLS would start bringing your pages to Israel, so I’d be able to purchase them here. I don’t think our local scrapping community knows you enough.
I would LOVE to win this stunning collection. thanks for the chance to win.
Ooopps, forgot to say that I’ve shared your generous giveaway on my FB page and I follow you on FB and your blog.
I deserve to win the giveway because i love the Maja Design Papers.
The colors are wonderful and enable beautiful layouts vintage and shabby, which i love.
Thank you for the oportunity!
Another great new collection!
Will be a nice autumn with these papers
PS sorry I have not Facebook..
WOW….your papers are gorgeous and this chance to win a whole collection is amazing…thank you xx
This is s beautiful collection. It’s very kind of you to be running this competition. Thank you.
Åhhhhh…. Endnu en helt igennem fantastisk smuk og lækker serie. Det er helt sikkert at den skal hjem til mig…… Jeg SKAL bruge det, så derfor er det selvfølgelig mig som skal være den heldige vinder af denne skønne Giveaway.
1000 Tak for chancen for at vinde.
My Bible Study group is visiting the elderly in local nursing homes. I am making cards to take to them. These incredibly beautiful papers will be used to complete the projects and bring smiles to the faces of those less fortunate. Thank you for making this collection available and thank you for the possibility to win.
En underbar fin collection igen. Hoppas att den kommer snart till Holland 🙂
En nydelig kolleksjon som vanlig. Gleder meg til den kommer i butikkene <3
I’d love to win because they’re just so amazing!!!
Stunning papers to make a mini album for my son!
I so love Maja Design and unfortunatley I can not find them available down here in little NZ. Beautiful shabby/vintage papers are really lacking here. At least I know that I am not the only one missing out : ) I see that they are not avaible in Israel or Canada either. I love your blog and am always inspired by your team of talented designers. I would love the opportunity to win a collection, how amazing would that be. Thank you for the chance.
Every time I see your papers my mind starts working overtime with thoughts of beautiful timeless creations. This new release is just as gorgeous as all your others Maja Designs…..sigh!
I would love to win this paper – one can never have too much patterned paper. My paper crafting style is usually clean and simple but I would love to branch out and try the shabby chic, vintage look – this lovely collection would be perfect for that.
I follow your blog, Like you on Facebook and shared your giveaway on Facebook.
Wow! this is fabulous! Would love to win. I do like you on FB & shared the giveaway post.
EEEEKKKK!!! I’m so excited to see these papers! They are stunning AGAIN! Since I have a slight addiction to the Maja Design papers (as you can see from my blog haha) I would love to win them, so that I could stroke them for a while, then when brave enough to cut into them, make something beautiful to share on my blog with everyone! Yeah! Probably not a good enough reason, but at least I am honest haha! LOVE YOUR PAPERS and can’t wait till they come out!
Hugs, Dena
The colourscheme of this line is great (again)! Love the balloons and vintage ladies and gents!
Vintage Autumn collection is absolutly stunning! I would so love to win this…
(I’m your faithful follower for a long time) :)))
I’ve shared your awesome giveaway on my sidebar!
Lots of love and peace for you company and your family
Excuse my english it’s not very good.
I’m so excited about the new papers. I love so much your collection papers.
I hope I’m gonna win something.
Continued to make a wunderful papers.
I’ll appreciate your papers very much.
I’m just getting started good in papercrafting and would love to have some of your gorgeous papers to work with. I have ‘liked’ you on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Everything about the Maja line of paper is exceptional. The quality, the color range and the patterns make every papercrafter look like a star! It is a pleasure to work with such amazing design paper… Good Luck to all!
Jag vill jättegärna vinna! Varför? Jo det är givetvis en självklarhet – man måste ha ALLA Majapapper och dessa ser underbara ut!
I can only say “WOW”.
can I say this again, I LOVE your new collection!
I just drooled all over my phone so now I need a new one because it’s not waterproof! That means I’ll have no money to spend on the new collection. LMBO!! OH MA GAWD this is GORGEOUS!! I just love each color and can’t wait to get my little hands on them to start creating!! I would do you proud and use every little piece! Thanks for the chance to win. Now off to share. Jeesh you guys never cease to amaze me!! 🙂
These papers are stunning!!
I would live a chance to play with them in some mixed media canvas art
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Cheri Carrier
These are sooooo gorgeous!!! Would love to create cards with these ♥ Just discovered your blog 🙂 Thank you!
I just discovered your blog thru the My mind’s Eye blog…..I haven’t had the pleasure of using your product yet but your papers are beautiful and it would be awesome to have try them out! I shared your blog post on Fb….I liked on FB and follow on Twitter and now I follow your blog to thru Blog lovin….thank you for the chance to win these Beautiful papers!
Gorgeous fall paper collection. I’ve fall in love with all of the Maja papers and this collection is perfect for fall. Hope to get back to crafting and blogging as soon as I get some health issues resolved and under control. Thanks for this great chance to win this amazing collection. “Hugs”
Wow, what a gorgeous collection! Hope I am lucky enough to win this!
Wow! Thanx for the amazing opportunity to win a fabulous give away. The papers are gorgeous and can already think of projects to use them with.
This paper range is absolutely stunning! Got to get my hands on them!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow.. Wow.. Wow… Thsi si another gorgeous collection of Maja papers! And I need it so much. I will be the happiest people in the world, when I win this amazing collection, because I need new stuff for my cards. ;0) I nearly using only Maja Papers for them. And these are my fav colors! So you did again a very vaery good job!
I love your papers and your blog. I come here everyday to see all the prettiest creations and for inspiration. Would love to win this gorgeous collection, otherwise I will have to drive over three hours to the nearest retailer. Liked your post of facebook and posted your giveaway on my sidebar. Fingers crossed.
De Vintage Autumn Basic collectie is weer schitterend mooi. Alle series van Maja Design zijn prachtig en weer overtreffen jullie met een nieuwste serie.
Het zou superleuk zijn om deze te winnen. Ik hou van het papier van Maja Design.
Groetjes Tineke
Love these!
Åh lika underbara som tidigare kollektioner. En riktig ‘måste-ha’ känsla infinner sig…
Följer, delar och sprider. 🙂
Stunning paper. Love the colours.
Maja Design är mina favoritpapper. Har alla 15×15 block och vågar knappt använda dem. Skulle älska att få de här papprena också.
Håller tummarna!! O ser fram emot den nya kollektionen!
I love all of your beautifull papers !!!!!
Gr. Karin
I’m falling in love with these wonderful papers, which I found thanks to my wonderful friend Teresa…
Thank you for such a wonderful product….good luck everyone!
Omg, another wonderful collection of papers! You’re asking why I’d like being one of the lucky winners? Well, just because I LOVE your papers and I use them to create almost all my projects! They are the best ones 🙂
Thanks again for chance, fingers crossed xxx 🙂
Hugs, Franz.
What a stunning collection! I am inspired already! Everything about these is beautiful and they are now top of my “must have” list xxx
Ååå, vilka underbara papper! Sedan min son kom till världen i våras söker jag med ljus och lykta efter vackra blåa papper som passar till babyfotona och de här kommer att passa perfekt. Underbar vintagestil i lite mörkare nyanser, helt fantastiskt!
gorgeous papers as always wooowwwwww
I love Maja papers, I always feel like a child in a candystore when I see them.
I love it !! Especially the shades of blue 🙂 I would love to have this range !!
I just LOVE your papers and cannot wait to get my hands on this new range! 🙂
This range is beyond beautiful ! Wow.. cannot wait to get a chance to play with it.. well done ! Love it..
Awwww, such lovely designs. I know just which pictures to scrap with them.
Thanks for the chance!
Such lovely designs! I know just wich photos I want to scrap them with.
Thanks for the chance!
I just love these fabulous papers I can see them on my cards already, I would love to win these because they will be perfect for the coming season and I can definitely see them on pretty Christmas cards too – oooo I hope it’s me xx
Gorgeous papers! Ik like them very muchs!
I love your papers because I am a vintage queen…even my toys that I kept from my childhood are now officially vintage! I think your papers are so versatile and can be used for any topic. I would like to win them as I can’t get them in shops here!
wow, these papers took my breath away, I just love them, I can see making a mini album with this gorgeous paper, I just cannot find this paper easy in the USA, wish I could, love, love, love it.
Love this paper. The colors are just awesome!
I love this new paper collection! Stunning!! I’ve liked and shared it on facebook.
Hugs kim
Helt ljuvliga papper som vanligt! Älskar alla era papper! Går inte att misslyckas när man använder dessa papper!!! Tack för allt underbart ni gör!
Har inte lyckats klicka i rutan för att bli följare, ska testa från en annan dator. Men har gillat och delat på facebook.
I just recently discovered your patterned papers and have just fallen in love with the soft, vintage colors and patterns! I can’t wait to see more releases!
Very, very beautifull, lively colors.
Super! Beatiful
Wowwww!!!! Another magnificent collection!! I adore your papers! Unfortunately, I do not find them here in Belgium! I would nevertheless adore being able to make realizations with those also.
Thank you for giving a chance to us to win this magnificent prize.
Good luck to all!
Follower, like on Facebook, comment on Facebook and shared.
I love vintage papers; vintage roses–soft elements–love doing victorian scraps with this kit–very beautiful & lovely kit–thanks either way whomever wins& thanks for the opportunity to win it..–pleas not I posted earlier—now stating why I should win… as asked.. Sorry…
Mary Anne
I would love to win,
#1. Your papers are so beautiful, and I love vintage.
#2. We have two scrapbook stores in our town, and I know neither one carry this line, so I would be the first to show it off. :o)
#3. I would LOVE to have it.
Thanks for the chance.
beautiful scrap paper y love it
this is the most awesome paper collection ever. I can see the scrapbook pages now made with thee gorgeous papers. I’d love to win.
Totally love the new papers – stunning as always!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Bente 🙂
Exciting autumn collection from Maja Design. fine paper that is always possible to combine with each other. it is not surprising that I will return to Maja’s paper again and again. I’m in love ❤
Wow! I would love to try this paper! I never try Majadesign paper and it’s my chance!
*Like* *Like* *Like*
Enda en nydelig arkserie – gleder meg til jeg får tak i disse
These papers are absolutely gorgeous. You keep out doing yourself!! The colors and designs are perfect for any layout. I can’t wait to create with these beautiful papers. Thank you for the chance to win and thank you for creating such lovely papers!
Why should I win these papers? Because they are a treasure and I love them!
I love these papers…and what I love abouy Maja designs is that the papers can by used quite easily for either vintage photos, or modern ones. These colors here are fabulous! So versatile as well! Would love to win this collection!
This collection is one of my favs with the muted tones…perfect for vintage photo…thanks what a great giveaway
I could never find the retailer in Indonesia and the country near by. Please please please fly to Indonesia so I could feel your texture..your skin…your smell…. Thank u thank u thank u
What a wonderful collection. thank you for the chance to win such a gorgeous collection
Oh, another gorgeous collection!!! Congrats with such beauty))) You guys just stop my breath once again!!! I so-so-so love your papers!!! The colors are amazing (as always) – true autumn ))))
WOW! these papers are gorgeous. Over here in the UK near South Yorkshire your papers are very rare. It would be an honour to win these and to create a master piece. x x x
I adore your papers!
So elated my favourite paper shop found Maja. We are all in love with your gorgeous papers and we can’t wait for a new story to come out. Love you muchly!
I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous papers and would love, love, love the opportunity to play with them…Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. x
I’m turning 37 the first week in September, but everytime you release a new collection I forget that there is a 3 in front of the 7 and I scream out load and dance around like a little child. It would be the best gift ever. No one want to give me scrapbooking stuff because they think I have enough and don’t need more. I have very little money because I can’t work so much because I’m sick. Thank you for all those beautiful collections. I just love them all and can never get enough of them.
This is really beautiful collection.
Oh what beautiful papers and what a lovely piece of prose to start your blog post with – all so evocative of the coming season. x
Shall I give you my adress straight away to get that gorgeous collection? Or are there more here who would like it? 🙂
Wow that’s totally gorgeous, love the color of the collection. Thanks for the give away. I will hope and cross my finger now.
Vem vill inte ha dessa underbara papper?? JAG vill…..
love it gorgeous collection i want them!!!!:)
Quel site fantastique ! J’adore les couleurs vintage ! Vraiment très beau, j’ai hâte de le parcourir… Very nice site 😉
Your papers are so beautiful. I can’t wait to get my hands on this collection.
I only wish they were more readily available in the USA
I think these are beautiful designs and colours I would love to win these I love to experiment even if it does seem a shame to cut them. heres hoping fingers crossed lol
Herregud så fina de är! Man trodde det skulle bli svårt att slå de tidigare basics-kollektionerna men ni har verkligen lyckats. Hur snygga som helst! Håller både tummar och tår!
New collection – how wonderful!! I am one of your biggest fans and would love to get to play with the beautiful papers… in fact sometimes the papers are so beautiful I almost hesitate to cut them:-) I follow you on FB, and Twitter, and of course your blog. Off to spread the word about Vintage Autumn Basics!
I tweeted, blogged and shared the news on FB… Here is the link to my blog post:
These new papers are just stunning, I love using your designs as I find such a gorgeous selection in each paper set. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
I lowe your paper and I like you on facebook.. Being a winner would light up my life. 🙂
Beautiful collection! I would LOVE an opportunity to work with your paper line as it isn’t available where I live!
♥I am so in love with this collection!! ♥
Helt underbara! Har gjort massa mini album med de olika serierna. Dessa kommer oxå få bli till ett album 🙂
stunning papers that everyone would love to win.
Love this gorgeous collection too.
I am totally in awww With this collection! Beautiful❤
I am brand-new to Maja and am so struck with the beauty of your paper!!! Sadly, I don’t have access to Facebook or Pinterest or have a blog of my own, but I am a new follower of yours be email. Hope that still qualifies me to enter your drawing!!
<3 J
Det känns som om jag nästan nyss har upptäckt Maja Design, och jag fattar inte att jag har fastnat innan. Men efter att ha hittat flera set av era underbara papper så kan jag inte låta bli att skapa med dem! Underbart mjuka pastelliga vackra papper!
Wow, I’m so absolutely totally in love with every Maja paper that I see! They fit just perfect with every project I make. And if you use your imagination you can do so much more with the papers then only use them as a design paper on a card or something….make butterfly embellishments, use the borders as sentiments and so on :D, can’t craft without them! I’m so looking forward to the new collection :D!
Maja papers are all gorgeous, but I don’t seem to be able to find a good selection online. I would love to be able to make a mini album for my Mum back home in England. She has kept her pictures from her parents in cardboard shoe boxes for years, so a beautiful new album with papers that reflect the era of the photographs and the people in them would be perfect, I think. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Wow, loving it <3
I don`t know what to say about this paper only…… that I love it en like it even more.
Gorgeous papers, I can just see them made into a mini. What a lovely gift that would be. I’ll be a happy crafter if you choose my name!
Isn’t it obvious? I should win the whole collection because I’d probably not survive not having it! 😉
Love you on Facebook and follow your blog, of course.
I love the look of all the Maja Design papers, but don’t have any yet. I would love this set to create a vintage scrapbook for my mom of her and my dad and us as kids. My dad passed away almost 6 years ago so this kind of scrapbook would be an awesome gift for her… I have been a blog follower for a long time, and also follow Maja on Facebook… thanks for the op to win!
Absolutely LOVE the Vintage Autumn Basics!!!!! Have already ‘liked’ on Facebook—now leaving word here—and then will ‘follow’ the blog—then, back to Facebook to spread the word. (Already suggested the Facebook page to multiple friends!!)
Oh, how I would LOVE to win some of those lovely papers!!
First time I have seen these beautiful papers I just want them!! Win or not I just need to get my hands on them. I have some very old photos of my dearly love parents who have now found their resting place. I would love to put them on these papers…. What a lovely legacy to leave for my child and her children.
I’d be honoured to win this. Anything vintage appeals to me. I’m lucky to have several generations worth of photos to scrap. The subdued colours on this range goes beautifully.
So far away, saw this collection..loved it. No store in Puerto Rico.. Hope i could have the blessing of winning. Thanks for the chance…
Thanks for the opportunity win these fabulous papers. I would use every inch creatively.
I have been following this blog (came here from Andrea’s blog) and am loving every collection – this one may have to be the one I no longer resist (trying to curb my paper addiction)! Judy D.
Your designers get 5 stars! Absolutely stunning collection! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Another gorgeous collection. can’t wait to use it! I would love to win this collection because I love using your fabulous papers, and I am so inspired just looking at them! thanks for the chance to win! Hugs, Elizabeth
Dere gjør det igjen! De vakreste papirene som finnes, og jeg gleder meg veldig til disse kommer!
I lost my heart on the Sofiero Collection but these are so beautifull too, love this beautifull Maja Desginpaper.
Hugs Liesbeth
I lost my heart on the Sofiero Collection but these are even more beautifull.
Love the Maja Designpaper,
Hugs Liesbeth
Je suis une grande, grande fan de vos papiers. Je les achète sur la boutique de Caroline (Scrapbooking boutique – France) et je suis toujours ravie quand je les reçois. Cette collection est sublime tant par les motifs, que les couleurs.
Bravo encore pour cette collection magnifique et je croise les doigts pour être l’une des heureuses gagnantes.
I am big, big one fan of your papers. I buy them on Caroline’s shop (Scrapbooking shop – France) and I am always delighted when I receive them. This collection is sublime both by the motives, and the colors.
Bravo still for this magnificent collection and I cross fingers to be one of the happy winners.
Such beautiful papers! Love the soft colors. I’d love to use them with some of my old pictures of my family.
I’m a newer paper scrapper, and I’ve never documented the fall and winter seasons yet. I love the beautiful colors and patterns, and they would complement the colors of my home and decorations. I’d like to show future generations how lovely the upcoming seasons can be.
I’m very new to scrapping. Although I’ve always made cards. Love, love, love all the beautiful papers there are about! But somehow, I like Maja Design’s Vintage collections that much more. The colors are stunning, and the designs so romantic, without being too frilly. They would be perfect to make a vintage album about my parents, who have both passed away… Kind regards from Belgium. I will share the news via Facebook!
I would love to win because in Italy we don’t have any store with your lovely products and I’d love to work with them 🙂
thank you so much
I shared on FB and follow on FB – giorgia rossini
Yes we do have a retailer in Italy. 🙂
Check our store finder.
Oh, there is Timbroscrapmania… yay!
I love all your designs. A new collection of gorgeous!!!! It would be great to win it) Thanks for the chance!
These papers are beyond gorgeous – they would be a fabulous addition to my heritage albums ~ Alice
This paper line is absolutely stunning! I have many, many vintage photos of my parents when they lived in Ukraine and Belgium and of my 2 brothers, as they were born in Germany. The album that I can make with these papers and the beautiful black and white family photos, would definitely be a piece that would be cherised from generation to generation. Thank you for the chance to win.
Nydelige papirer som alltid!! En glede å lage kort med slike! 🙂 Hadde vært en fantastisk bursdagsgave! 😉
Gorgeous new collection – sadly I do not have any maja papers in my paper stash but this would be an AWESOME way to start!! Thanks for the fab chance!!x
Oh My Word…another STUNNING collection to love…gorgeous as always thank you for the generous chance to win some xx
OMG! I love them, they are absolutely gorgeous, as all your papers. I should be one of the winners because even if it is extremely difficult to buy your papers in Puerto Rico, where I live, I always find a way to get them. I only use them in my VIP cards. Love them! Hugs, Ivonne
Delat, gillat och följer er slaviskt!! Jag har upptäckt att jag enbart har använt Maja Designs papper det senaste året som jag har scrappat 😉
Älskar era papper!
What a great give-away! I like the beautiful vintage-design. I would be one of the winners, because I love making vintage cards and I think this paper fits perfectly at my other papers. I will share this candy on my blog.
Kind regards,
I forgot to say that I’m already a follower of your great blog.
Love the new papers! I have just started to experiment with the vintage look, and these papers are just perfect! Would love to get some! Thanx.
I have just discovered the beauty that is Maja papers this year. Your collections are often ethereal giving my layouts that dreamy look I so like. This new line is is filled with old world charm. The colors are a step in a new direction for fall. I would love to get my hands on this collection. Love your products. I am a fan and a follower!
I your giveaway on another site and thought, WOW these papers are are so chic. Love the colors for fall and am now a new follower of yours.
Vilka underbara papper! Varje kollektion är så vacker och man tror inte det kan bli bättre men det blir det varje gång!
I just finished several layouts using the Vintage Spring and Vintage Summer lines. The new autumn is yet another stunning collection from Maja and I would love to work with them. Thank you for the opportunity to win these incredible papers.
My amazing nan passed away last year and sadly we recently cleared the old family home to be sold. We found dozens of wonderful old photos of my grandparents when they were young and even my great grandparents. Sadly the identity of so many of the people in the photos are now lost in time so, for future generations, I want to create a heritage album of all those who my family do remember along with their stories. These papers are just perfect. Thanks for the chance to win x
Wow. Another lush collection of gorgeous papers. A must have . I am sorry I am not on facebook or twitter but have pinned and repinned this collection on Pintrest
Gorgeous gorgeous papers from Maja as always! Can’t wait to see it and play with it 🙂 Thank you for the chance of winning such a lovely treat.
WOW, you did it again!! This new paper line is just breathtaking!!! I so love your paper collections and this one is truly AMAZING!!! I so would love to be the lucky winner as already see lots of projects in my head with those utterly stunning designs!
Thank you for a chance to win, I have been a follower of your blog for a while and I’m followig you on FB as well.
Silvie xx
Oh WOW, I loooovc these papers, they are just as gorgeous as the Maja papers always use to be! I especially love those airballoon papers and that blue tones!
Why I should win? Because I love Maja Design papers and they fits perfect to my kind of scrap style! That should be a perfect excuse for winning, right!?! *lol*
Thanks for this great chance of winning!
Hugs, Randi WS
I just love Maja papers they are always absolutely gorgeous, this new collection is no exception, the colours and patterns are stunning, I would love to be included in the draw your papers compliment my shabby chic style so well, Thanks for the chance
Hugs Julie P