Early Christmas cards

Posted by Evgenia Petzer

31 March, 2015 - ,

Hello dear friends! Its Evgenia Petzer with you today. Every year I am sending lots of christmas cards. With the computers and emails we sent daily, there is really something special to receive the letter that you can open, touch and even smell… So again I have started the preparations for this christmas season early… yes, its eally early. But i have another reason… there are so many wonderful christmas papers and really something special in this season that I just cant help myself to stop playing with this theme.

So I pulled some of the papers and winter embellishmnets out and made three easy cards, that look like ensemble together.

I also love the look that this beautiful die cut from Memory Box gives. I specially picked the white cardstock to cut it with and it’s beautiful!march_petzer1 some close ups:march_petzer1_det2 march_petzer1-det1march_petzer2 really beautiful sparkly buttons are from my old stash, i just love that feeling hen I use something that I bought ages ago, is it just me?


and the last card for today’s post is this cute card. I must say that the sheet with those mittens ws one of my favourite of this collection, so cute!march_petzer3I love to use mica fragments on my winter projects, they help me to imitate the snow, sparkly effect…march_petxr3_det1 march_petzer3_det2For all these cards I have used this wonderful collection (Vintage Frost Basics):

I have used the paper pad from it as well as this sheet with die cuts.

Have a wonderful day:) and as a joke of our spring weather we have snow outside to match the theme of my post:)



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Evgenia Petzer

My name is Evgenia Petzer and being a mom to 2 boys I am still obsessed with all girly stuff and am In love with the shabby style and everything that is close to it. I love creating cards, albums and altered items. I am so proud and blessed to be Maja Girl.

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