Life by the Sea Tutorial – step by step

Posted by Heather Jacob

25 November, 2014 - , , ,

Hi everyone and a great BIG warm welcome to Maja Design blog… today I have a step by step tutorial for you . My very first tutorial I have ever done so I hope you like it .I included lots of images to help you with my process of layering … here goes !!

I created this Layout using the Life by the Sea collection .   Life by the sea tutorial by HeatherLayout by heather       I like to use elements that reflect the energy of my work . Here the texture reflects the sand, waves, shells, and ocean .

MY PROCESS – Step by Step images .  tutorial by heathertutorial by heathertutorial by heather tutorial by heathertutorial by heather   Maja Design papers are perfect for distressing . Do you think this looks a little like the movement of waves in the ocean ?tutorial by heather     Now the fun begins . adding texture with modelling paste and a stencil .   tutorial by heather tutorial by heathertutorial by heathertutorial by heathertutorial by heathertutorial by heather     when creating I lay my elements down and then move them around until I am happy .  tutorial by heather      You can see by this image I have moved the position of the circle and chipboard. The photo is mounted and placed over the chicken wire chipboard . tutorial by heather      Next step is to  begin adding other elements of your choice .   tutorial by heathertutorial by heather     keep adding  lots of elements to form a cluster … this creates interest and draws the eye across the page .   tutorial by heather tutorial by heather    Clear crackle paint adds richness to the elements and papers , and gives a shiny textured finish .    tutorial by heather     Be creative and add beads and muslin to mimic the ocean .  tutorial by heathertutorial by heather     My completed Layout … as you can see creating layers is very easy and lots of fun. just be creative as you go and add lots of elements to create depth and texture .tutorial by heather      Thanks so much for looking at my tutorial . I hope this helps you understand my process .these papers are just so perfect for a seaside Layout or project .. I had fun creating this and I do hope I have inspired you to begin creating your own layout by the sea .



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