Maja Design now on Facebook and Twitter-with a new giveaway and some changes in our CT

Posted by Jenny Grotherus

13 August, 2013 - ,

I’ve got some really exciting news to share with you today. We started up our Facebook site and Twitter account August 1st. We made it with a little bang, a sneak of the upcoming Vintage Autumn Basics. It’s not published elsewhere, so make sure you stop by and have a look. Don’t forget to tell us what you think about it.

I’ve asked our own Jennifer Snyder to start working with us as our Facebook Coordinator and I’m happy to say that she’s accepted. Jennifer-SnyderI would like to give her our warmest welcome. I’m sure she’ll take good care of you on Facebook, so make sure to stop by for a coffee and chat with her in our virtual sofa. This also means that she will leave her position on the Creative Team, even if she’ll create some Mood Board inspiration from time to time. Her replacement is no stranger and her creative soul has really made us all glow. Please welcome Nancy Hanttula as our new regular Creative Team member…Nancy-HanttulaNancy will take over Jennifer’s postings every second Friday to give you a creative start on your weekend.

So… What about that giveaway… We want to collect as many LIKES as possible by August 31st. When we hit 1000 posts, we will pick a winner at random and send out the Sofiero collection OR a collection of your own choice. For each additional 1000 LIKES, another winner is chosen. 5000 LIKES means 5 winners. So make sure to stop by, like us on Facebook and spread the word! If Twitter suits you better, make sure to start following us there.

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