Dear Maja friends,
Here in Sweden we are enjoying the summer and some great weather, finally. As a matter of fact, the weather is that great that I actually have moved my office outside. Now I never have to stop working, while being able to enjoy the sun at the same time.. 😉 I’m loving it.
This summer we have decided to publish some of our dedicated followers and fans that usually share their Maja-projects with us in different social media. So keep an eye at the blog and maybe you will see your friend’s creations.. Or maybe your own ones..? 🙂
Now, it’s time to reveal the winner of June’s Mood Board. First a quick reminder of how it looked:
Please do have in mind that we will choose a winner who have been observed the theme and keeping its track, and also have made the most beautiful creation of course.
This is all the wonderful contributions:
And the lucky winner is…
Congrats Elya Savkina! Great work, we totally adore it! A collection by your choice is coming your way..!
And a huge Thank you to all the other contestants, we love your creations and appreciate your participation.
Thanks for visiting the blog and for spreading the word about Maja, all over the world.
Have a wonderful day and we’ll see you next Saturday with some lovely upcoming news… 😉
Congrats to Elya, her house is absolutely beautiful! Such a high standard of gorgeous entries. Nicola x
I love “Maja Desing” paper and I want to win! Congratulations to the winners – excellent!
Thank you MajaDesign and all the members of june mood board! I am very happy that I won!!!