More than a Card

Posted by Heather Jacob

24 June, 2014 - , , , ,

Hello my friends and a warm welcome to you all. This project I am sharing with you today is a special celebration card. On May 21st Last month, my twin sister Lorraine and I celebrated our 65th Birthday . I wanted to create something special, so I decided to use a Concertina Base as my foundation and add lots of tags and notes as a celebration of our life together . One of the many beautiful things about scrapbooking is that we can create at any age – my motto – Never too old to scrap !!!

Twin Sisters  photograph of heather and lorraine  This photograph of Lorraine and me taken in 1973 when we were only 23 years of age. We had just purchased our first Hairdressing Salon .. It was the first of seven salons we owned . A very old fashioned photo but nice to have x

My gift to my twin. So many memories and birthdays, Love you Laine   xoox

Heather Jacob           When I handed it to Lorraine her eyes lit up and she smiled, sighed and laughed as she looked at and read all the details, the bits and pieces and all the memories  I wrote about . I included some photos when we were small children in a little tag/pocket .Heather Jacob         The May calender was perfect for this project and I cut the May section and glued it to the front section .Heather Jacob        Here is a view of the side section, showing how the concertina foundation is perfect for holding the tags and cards in place. one of the quotes I used is .. A memory is a photo taken by the heart … I just love it xHeather jacob This paper collection has the perfect tags , a calendar and little darling butterflies . All the items can be lifted out and moved around . Nothing is glued in permantly so I can also add items later if desired. Heather Jacob         Here is a closie of the calender, a tag holding a resin heart and the tag/card with the key holds some notes and some photos.. Heather Jacob        I have photos, quotes and memories inside this little note book with the key.   I had so much fun creating this, I have decided to make another one for my daughter . I do hope you are inspired to have a play …

Maja design Collections used     Sofiero  Collection – A romantic picnic in the park……. Vintage Spring Basics – Days to remember , 6th May.      Thanks for popping by the Maja Design blog, and happy scrapping until next time we meet here .. big hugz from me xHeather Jacob


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  • Susanne says:

    What a creation! Awesome!! I like your style and all the details!

  • Maryann says:

    Oh what an amazing creation here Heather, your work is always sooo beautiful.
    Is your twinsister also as good at scrapbooking/ cardmaking as you are?

  • Patti says:

    Congratulations on your birthdays! I think it’s a great year since it will be mine a little later on this year 🙂 I love the photo of the 70’s and the hairstyles look oh so familiar! I LOVE your card, it’s just so gorgeous and seems to go on and on with little bits here and there. And you are all so right, we’re never too old for scrapping!

  • Jenny Grotherus says:

    This is such a wonderful project Heather. I can see why your sister was so glad. You two were absolutely dashing! You must have been really popular. 🙂

  • I never knew you are a twin! 😀 Beatiful gift to your sister, I’m not surprised she was delighted 🙂

  • Gail says:

    Your work is beautiful, I love all the details, and all the interesting bits.
    21 st May is also my birthday, what a great day it is!