
Posted by Heidi Kelley

25 May, 2013 - ,

boysAREbeautiful It’s my final week here with you all, and I have enjoyed myself immensely!I decided to finish out my guest spot with a bit of baby beautiful. So often I hear that we shouldn’t call boys beautiful, but I don’t believe it at all. Images after images of my sons simply take my breath away and honestly, the word beautiful is the only thing I can utter.

I wanted to keep this layout fairly simple, so I began with the photo, adhering it to the very right side of the page. I then cut squares from the “Vintage Spring Basics – Days to Remember” paper. I stacked and layered these around my photo, using both the calendar days and the backsides as well for color addition.

boysAREbeautiful1I then placed some rub-ons on the photo, and in places where they would appear to be leaving the page on the top and bottom of my layout. Shimmerz paint came next, I simply squirted into corners of my cluster. The next step was to cut about a bazillion butterflies (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration) from the “Vintage Spring Basics – 8th of March and Days to Remember” papers. I attached these with liquid adhesive, randomly, all over the project.

boysAREbeautiful2 Finally, I tucked bits of lace into my elements and added a few metal bits from Prima to add a bit more grungy balance. My titlework almost always comes last, and it did here too, no big letters, just my writing saying that “sometimes boys ARE beautiful.”

There’s no doubt about it.

Supplies Used: “Vintage Spring Basics: 6th of March,8th of March, Days to Remember”, Prima Junkyard Findings, Shimmerz Coloringz, Petaloo Lace, Maya Road rub-ons, Beacon adhesive

Thank you all so much for your sweet words and for having me play along with you this month, it has truly been an honor! I hope that you found something amongst my work that inspires you, and look forward to bumping into you all around the scrapbook world!


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