Treasure your memories.

Posted by Lenet Mos

30 August, 2018 - , ,

Hello Maja fans  Lenet here and to day I bring you this altered frame  I bought at the local dollar store.

It was a simple grey  3D  that I wanted to give a weathered look like it has been laying at the beach for a while because I wanted to use these pics. of my friend and her kids that were taken at the beach.

So I distressed  the frame by sanding it and than dry brushed it with Finnabair art basics Plaster paste and made some little termite holes in it.

I made the little pegs that hold the pictures grey with chalkgrey Ayeeda mist from 13@rts and dry brushed them also with the plaster paste

For the back ground I used Vintage Summer Basics1936 as the sky and cut the fence from Vintage Summer Basics 1905


The create the sand I used  Finnabair artstones mixed with artbasic 3D Matte Gel Transparent and pushed some litte shells in it.

A little seastar  and some fishingnets in the corners to finished it off.


Thank you for watching and hope to see you back


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  • Maryann Laursen says:

    What an amazng dea and t also loo absolut stunnng as well. Such a beautful pece of art and t would also be a great gftdea for grandparents and good frends thats for sure. Wonderful wor well done.

  • What a wonderful project Lenet. The papers work beautifully with this beach design and I bet looks amazing on your wall.
    Julie x