Winner of the July-August Mood board

Posted by Marie

28 August, 2018 - , ,

Hello MajaDesign friends!

And welcome back after Summer. We are so happy to see you here! Today we are going to share the winner of the double month Mood board Challenge we had for July and August.
First a little reminder of what the Mood board looked like:

And here are all the beautiful entries:

Antonia Moreno-Spain

Bente Heidi Mornaren, Norway

Caroline van Sluis, The Netherlands

Karita Vainio – Finland

Kethy Nordström, Sweden

Maria Loijen, The Netherlands

Marju Laine, Finland

Nicola, Paper Profusion, Ireland-2

Nicola, Paper Profusion, Ireland

Nicole Lacoste, Canada

Nicolette Brik, The Netherlands

Oksana Absurdistika Russia

Ramona Schmitt, Germany


Not easy to pick a winner but we loved the way she captured the feel of the Mood board…









And she is…

Antonia Moreno from Spain!!!


Congratulations Antonia a collection of your choice will soon turn up at your doorstep.

THANK YOU so much to all the other participants, great work! We hope to see you back for the next Challenge.





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