Kerstin is back to share with you a new layout inspiration with a wintery feeling.
I used the paper collection ‘Joyous winterdays’ from Maja Design, because
I was inspired from the story of this wonderful paper sheet ‘Snowball fight’.
Have you seen this little boy at the lower right edge ? !
Yes it’s wintertime, the first snow is being celebrated immensely,
enjoying building a snowman, ice-skating or having a funny snowball fight.
Always a pleasure and not only for children 🙂
used products
- Snowball fight
- Blizzard
- Emphera bs
other materials
cutting dies -Trees, Lantern, Snowflakes, Icecycles
Snow Tex from DecoArt
silicone clear stamps – Snowflakes, Winter sayings
small white styropor balls
corrugated cardstock
some details
oh, the hat flies from his head, he hit the mark 😉
the Monochrome collection ‘Shades of Winterdays’ has exactly suitable colors, here I used ‘Dusty Teal bs’ for the cutting die -lantern-
his favourite teddy bear on the bench sees everything 🙂
added with some leftovers, cutting die ‘Trees’, corrugated cardstock and some snowballs
– The name is the product – here I used the lower stripe from ‘Emphera bs’ as titel
Thanks for your visit and Happy crafting!
Beautifull..loooove your snowballs and how one hits the hat of the snowman
Beautiful creation ! Lovely details .
Hugs Doris
Soooo beautiful and well made with loads of awesome details. Really great work well done.