“Wishes” layout

Posted by Larissa Albernaz

12 June, 2014 - ,

Hello Maja Design fans and friends! Larissa here with something dreamy and new for you!

It´s almost winter time here in Brazil where I live and I´m in a totally different mood than those who live in the Northern Hemisphere and are dreamin´about ice creams, hot days and beach fun!

I`m dreamin`about cozy indoor ambiences with hot chocolate …. everything surronded  by angels…

Inspired by these feelings I wanted to create a dreamy layout, something that could looks like a bedtime story and that´s why I chose to use the gorgeous Frost Basics line:


This line with all the beautiful colors and lovely patterns and imagery was just perfect to portray my fairytale.


I adore dimensional layouts. I think they can give you so many creative possibilities that I simply can´t resist….


To create this page I have recycled a  wooden resin packaging by Prima and have used it in the middle of my page so I get started using a grid as a design base.

wishes 1

Then I just have decorated everything using lots of wooden embellischments, resins, chipboards and flowers!

wishes 2

wishes 3

I also have included some texture by using gesso and snow tex! How fun is this!!

wishes 4

I hope you´ve enjoyed this layout! Thanks so much for your visit! See you soon,


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  • Jennifer Snyder says:

    Your details are simply amazng!!!!!

  • Patti Senter says:

    Your work is just stunning, I love seeing the posts pop up in my email because I know I’ll always just drool over them. This one is now exception, absolutely beautiful!

  • Jenny Grotherus says:

    That design is so unique and special. I love the little fireplace and all the other details. Magnificent!