Hi there..
Well .. today I am writing this post with some sadness. I have decided to step down from my spot at Maja Design. I have been on this team for 6 months now, and was Guest Designer back in December and worked with their products all of last year so I do feel like I know their papers well.
But the time came last month for me to make some changes.
My life right now is full on. There is literally no moments off, ever. My baby Sofia is now 1, sleeps less (which is great because I get out and do stuff before getting kids from school) and I do not wish to miss out on precious time with her right now because I need to scrap, or feel sick in the mornings because I stayed up late the night before scrapping. I mean, I still do , don’t get me wrong LOL but I just cannot do it as often. I basically need to leave my days free and get some scrapping done at night .
My older girls are both in school, so we all know what that is like.
Right now life for me is: Sofia full time during the day, Sofia + 2 more full time from 3:30 until 7:30 pm when they finally are asleep.
Some nights I feel like scrapping. Others not!
So changes needed to be made to find a balance.
I cannot give my creating up right now! NO WAY! This is my lifeline…
But still I needed to make things easier.
I guess you could say I started feeling this familiar thing happening in my tummy lately.. the thing where you get nervous to create things and it starts to feel not so good .. I have had these feelings before and I let them go too long before acting on them , and reached the point where I burnt out.
So I decided to lessen the load and leave Maja Design for someone who can do justice to their beautiful papers. You see, another thing making me nervous was that I felt that since the time I was asked to join the team (November of 2012, just a few months pregnant with Sofia) , my style has changed dramatically. I feel I have gone from soft, shabby, romantic to a bit of grunge, a bit of mixed media, a heck of a lot of inks, mists etc etc and I did not feel this suited the soft colours of Maja Design’s papers. I felt I was covering up the majority of the paper and for me.. when I cannot do something right I just feel very uneasy.
So with all this, here is a card I crated for my last post at Maja Design.
It is dedicated to Jenny and Marie. THANK you both so much for having me on your team this year, for reserving a spot for me a year and a half ago, and for this great opportunity!
Thank you all for all your support.
So sad to see you go Nadia, as I´ve always loved your work too, but sometimes we all need to make this kind of decisions, and now it´s your turn, and we all need to think of our dear ones first of all, that´s just the way it is, and who knows, maybe we´ll see you back again some other time, when your girls is getting older, I sure hope so.
Best of luck with the future to you and your lovely family and thanks for all the great inspiration, you´ve provided us all with over the last year, it´s been a big pleasure to follow your amazing work hun. Take good care. and see you outhtere in blogland again I hope.
Nadia, it’s sad that you’re going, but you have done the right thing. After all, families and children come first and scrapping, while we all love it, has to take a back seat to the really important things in our children’s and families’ lives. You’re not stopping, just putting things in perspective, and achieving a balance in life. Best of luck to you and enjoy those wonderful children!
Sweet Nadia, I was wondering how you did it all……so many design teams I kinda thought you were a SUPERwoman :-)!! I will miss your gorgeous work for Maja Designs but I’m glad you are thinking about yourself and your family (you need to do that once in a while)….I bet it was a hard decision I feel for you but you’ll be still around on facebook with your gorgeous girls….so see you there hon! <3 hugs Amy
That is soo sad you’re leaving us, Nadia!! I always wondered how on earth were you able to create all this gorgeous stuff for so many design teams being a mom all the time! But I understand your decision and while I’ll be missing your fabulous creations, I wish you all the best!! Oh, and don’t think you were in the wrong place with Maja Design shabby papers – to the contrary, you showed how versatile they can be, perfect even for mixed-media fans 🙂
A stunning card, gorgeous colors!
Nadia, I just wanted to say to you that I am so very sorry to see your go. BUT, as a momma with 2 small school age children and a full-time job as an Assistant Director of Nursing Registered Nurse…I completely and totally understand a need for balance and perhaps a step back to adjust priorities. AND I know how hard that can be to do. So, Good for you and putting your life back into balance. BUT, with that said, I am so SAD to see you go. I have absolutely been in LOVE with your creative style and find myself so extremely inspired by you. And I have to agree with Maja, you absolutely were not in the wrong arena…..although I can understand why sometimes those thoughts creep into the mind….I, too, find that my style is so different than so many of the other Design Team members. BUT, afterall, isn’t that what is kinda of the point?! If everyone created everything that looked alike, then, wouldn’t it be a bit harder to find new inspiration or inspiration for more different types of creative minds by showcasing the papers in similar or the same ways?! I’m just saying…..I sometimes struggle with staying true to what I personally “LIKE” and not trying to make what I think “everyone” will think is beautiful. But, that is my personal challenge. Whenever I think I start creeping a way that isn’t really “me,” then, I try to step back and decide and ask myself, “Okay. What is it I am really wanting to create right now?” I can ususally get myself on track with that question. 🙂 I just wanted you to know, I am a HUGE fan of your work! and I will miss seeing the brilliance you create with the gorgeous Maja Design papers!!! BUT I will be seeking out your blog/creations elsewhere!!!! God Bless you and your dear family! and I wish you all the best! Hugs – Nancy Hanttula
Nadia – it is indeed a sad day as you leave us. I loved your take on Maja Design and the clever use of the papers. You are a gifted artist and a most amazing mom. Family first! Alwasy. It’s been a pleasure and honor.
I’m sorry to hear that you are leaving Maja, but I understand. However thanks for the inspiration you have given. Good luck and take care.