Forever -and- Always

Posted by Andrea Ewen

12 September, 2013 - , , , ,

Hello Maja friends! It’s a beautiful day here in New Jersey…we’re in the midst of a heat wave right now! The kids are back in school, the temps drop into the 50’s and night but during the day it’s supposed to get up to almost 90! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a little Fall type weather to come my way! In response to our last little grasp of summer, I pulled out my Maja Design’s Sofiero collection to come up with this card here:CSC157MajaCleanThis card features the Crea Diem collection:

CSC156MajaCleanMoving more towards Autumn colors, but still in Summer mode…Vintage Summer Basics:


And finally, in all it’s glory…the Walking in the Forest line:


Thanks for joining me on this fine day, I hope that you leave inspired!Andrea-sign

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