Scandinavia is experiencing warmest Summer we’ve had for ages. That might not set you in the perfect mood for crafting but there will probably be a rainy day or two further on. Since this is a double month challenge you will have plently of time to make the deadline in the end of August. If you are new to our you will find the simple rules below. Don’t miss out! We would love to see how you interpret this Mood Board…
This is how we use the mood boards:
Definition mood board – n
[a board used by designers on which samples of various colours and textures are mounted to help in deciding which elements complement each other]
We are using mood boards for our challenges. We truly believe in creativity and art at Maja Design. You are free to interpret the mood boards in any way you’d like. They are supposed to set you in an inspirational mood without too much controlling. We would like you to be inspired by the poems, words and photos. They are not given rules, they are just there as inspiration. However – we highly recommend you to follow the theme.. Feel free to use any Maja papers you’d like as long as they follow the colour scheme.
We will pick a winner and present it here on the blog on the 28th of August.
Have in mind that these challenges are a really great way for us to discover new talents and maybe some future Creative Team members…
How to participate?
♥ Create anything you’ll like – a layout, a card, something altered or maybe a canvas. Use Maja papers primarily! Take a nice picture of it and send it to moodboard@majadesign.nu. We also need to know your full name, address and a phone number. Please specify what collection you would like to win, if you are the lucky one. We will also want to know if you would like it in the size 12*12 or 6*6. Please send us the pictures in the size of 800 pixels on the width. We would be so grateful if you also could change the file name of the photo to your first and last name including your country.
♥ Feel free to send us more than one picture, from different angles or some close-ups – or why not more than one project?
♥ Publish the project/s on your blog (or/and any social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) with a link to our site. Please also add the image of the mood board.
♥ Feel free to combine your entry with other challenges.
♥ The winner will be revealed the last Tuesday each month, at the Maja blog. The winner will be sent one collection by their choice.
We need your entry by August 26th at the latest.
And here are some beautiful pieces of art for you to be inspired by, made by our amazing Creative Team:
Send your entry to: moodboard@majadesign.nu by 26th of August and you have the chance to win a MajaDesign collection of your choice.
Happy crafting!
1 Comment
I was so disappointed not to be included in the June mood board I entered 14 June and I’ve sent 2 emails and heard nothing back.