Thank You Teacher Cards

Posted by Maja Nowak

24 June, 2022 -

Good morning, Maja Friends, welcome to the blog today 🙂

There are several occasions to celebrate in June, like Children’s Day and Father’s Day, but I guess no other June day is so eagerly awaited by so many: the end of the school year 🙂 Apart from marking the beginning of the much-desired summer holidays, it’s also a chance to thank the teachers. And so I made two cards for this occasion to bring to you today 🙂

I used our latest release, the Everyday Life collection. In the first card I used chipboard elements embossed with gold ep – they add elegance to the simple design with the beautiful sunflowers bouquet image. I also added the book image to make the card more “teacherish” 🙂

In the second card I applied a stencil pattern upon the background paper using translucent glitter paste – it added glam and texture while not obscuring the paper pattern. Then I added chipboard pieces and in the centre I put a stamped books image, decorated with the paper-piecing technique:

Even though the cards are layered and dimensional, they’ll still fit into envelopes! 🙂

And here’s what I used:

Maja Design papers:

Other: stamp, chipboard pieces, stencil: Agateria; flowers: Wild Orchid Crafts; pearls: ScrapbBerry’s.

That’s all for today, thank you for visiting and see you later 🙂


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1 Comment

  • Maryann Laursen says:

    2 very very beautiful cards here again Maja. Your kids teachers must feel very apreciated to get such love from your kids, I know, I sure would.
    Both cards looks fabulous and are sooo wellmade down to the smallest detail as usual. Stunning work, well done.
    Hope you´re all having a wonderful and sunny week-end now.