Inspired by Winnie the Pooh – Padoriaa Cards

Posted by Paulina Monasterska-Tronina

20 May, 2017 - , ,

Hello our blog fans 🙂 Like you could already seen I’m a cards lover ! I can make them for every single occasion  😀 I’m finding inspiration all over… Today’s project is inspired by Winnie the Pooh. Take a look, please :



Oh no, please. Can’t we just go back to page one and start all over again?”

 Winnie The Pooh

WinnieWinnieWinnieWinnieWinnieWinnieI had a lot of fun to create these cards. Maja Design has a lot of collections and they are so universal ! Papers from Maja,Digital Graphics from Digital Paper, chipboards from Scrapiniec. It couldn’t be a better mix 🙂 Hope you will like it 😉 Hugs, Paulina

Met her at the dance bs Mono Air Sky Met her at the dance 506w1923

Mono White Sand no.XIX BS The elegant Winehouse  528w1905-bs


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