Winter is knocking on the door…

Posted by Carita Ruckman

24 October, 2015 -

Here in the northern Europe it is still autumn and we can still enjoy quite bright days outside and be amazed by all the autumn-like colours the nature brings. However, the winter is knocking on the door and will soon embrace us with white snow, coldness and crispy air. Nothing bad about that, I love winter time..! Go sledding with the kids, make beautiful things in the fine, white snow – like snow angels, caves to cuddle in and snowmen with carrots as noses.. And then, head inside to enjoy a nice cup of warm chocolate in front of the fire place.. I think you really enjoy being inside more, when it’s chilly outside – actually you enjoy both worlds even more. ♥

Our newest collection is taking us outside to hang with the snowmen, meet the reindeer and say a quick hello at the mysterious old man with the white, long beard who has arrived with a huge sack on his shoulder…
We watch the snowflakes fall from the sky, in all it’s different shapes and sizes.
We head inside, to warm ourselves in front of the stove, as we’re baking some gingerbreads to enjoy later on. During the evening we’re munching on our freshly baked pastries while we’re wrapping some presents for our beloved ones.. We are wallowing in different patterns and beautiful lacings.

You wanna join? Welcome! ♥


This collection will soon show up in a store near you..
What do you think – something for you? Let us know your thoughts!


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