Happy New Year Everyone <3
Today I thought I would make a Top 10 list of my favorite projects made with Maja Design <3
Maja Design is my favorite when it comes to patterned paper, and to be able to create projects with these lovely sheets are indescribable. It seems that the sheets are made to my projects, because they always fit into what I make.
Therfore , I think it’s appropriate that I make a Top 10 list of my favorite projects from 2015, made with Maja Design <3
The Baby Vintage Playground – 10
This is a box that I made April last year. The box is made with paper from the Collection The Vintage Baby. The airplane, the trees, small boxes and the train are made without tutorial and the idea I’ve gotten from the name of the Collection and therefore it became a playground for a girl or a boy <3
This set of boxes I mase to one Norwegian Magazine called Ett Trykk, This ia a Scrapbooking Magazine and I was askes to be a Guest Artist last year.
The boxes are originally tin cans that I have decorated with paper from the Collection called The Vintage Spring Basics. The ddetails I have chosen to use are metal in bronze color. The blue and the dark details are probably way I love these boxes so much.
The Vintage Baby Gift Boxes – 08
These boxes are one result afther one bad brakeup betwieen me and my X boyfriend afther 3 years. For me to droen myself in this wonderful hobby when I have it tough is indescribable. I close the feelings out and concentrate one one thing and that is to do what i Love the most, papercrafting. These boxes took a total of 4 days to create, a box for eatch day.
A Lovely Christening Present – 07
This is also a project that I designed for Ett Trykk, but it is also one project that I have put a lot of thought and love into. The baby mobile with the small planes I consider as one of the finest things that I have made and it is actually hangs in one corner in my beedrom. One of my wishes is that I’m so lucky that I can give this gift to my baby one day <3 The projects is made from paper from The Vintage Baby and Nyhavn.
The Frozen Playground is one project that is made with paper from the Vintage Frost Basics. There is one project that I’ve thought for a long time, I created The Baby Vintage Playground, it was time for a playground for the Kids too. This was really fun to make, only to see the toys were made and got a place on the project.
The Cabinet of the Treasure – 05
Last Year, in the Autumn, Maja Design come with a LOVELY collection called Enjoying Outdoors. This is one of my favorites Collections and this closet here was the first project I used these sheets on. The cabinet was originally in pink, but with the sheets and the details, I give it a new life. The cabinet was also a Christmas gift to my little sister Jeanette, so she can use it for jewelery <3
A True LOVE Story in a Music Box – 04
This is one project that is all abute LOVE and that is probably whay it’s on my list <3 I love this box and wat it symbolizes <3 THe idea comes from a story written by a Danish writer named H.C. Andersen and the storry called The Tin Soldier. The sheets I have used are from two different collections, Walking in the Forrest and Vintage Autumn Basics.
The project with The Silver Deer is for me one magical project <3 It is full of glitter and snow. The entire project has a frosted fell to it and a touch of romance. The idea of this box were the basis of the latest collection by Maja Design, Home for the Holidays. The deer that are on some of the sheets I have tried to recreate by placing a silver deer on the top.
My winter paradise in te woods covered with snow and glitter are one of the projects that I’m most pleased with. Sitting creating a projectbased on an idea and withoute tutorial is magical. When I made this, I used the blue paper from the Vintage Winter collection.
My Christmas Present for Myself – 01
But the project that I put highest on my list is the Christmas Cards I handed out before Christmas. This is one project that I appreciate very highly and I am so thankfoul that I got the pssibility to share out 86 homemade cards to the elderly in nursing homes in my homeplase Gildeskål.
Now you have seen and read abute my Top 10 List with Maja Design projects from 2015 <3 This was no easy list for me to make, but I’m already looking forward to the continuing with Maja Design Projects in the coming year <3
I’m so excited abute how they are going to be, for rigth now, I have no idea where my ideas can take me away to.
Your projects are always the most stunning altered items I have seen! You are an amazing crafter.
Thank You So Much Evgenia <3 <3
I think you are a stunning paperkrafter too <3